Walking By Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc.
Women's Ministry Presents  
“Women of God Making a Difference” Walking By Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. Women’s Ministry will help you to be and become “Women of God Making a Difference” by Walking God’s Way. God’s desire for us as women to live life more abundantly while juggling the many roles we play and hats we wear. God has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light therefore we are able to achieve many things by seeking him first. These monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd Friday of each month during this time we will be studying the word of God from a women’s perceptive and gain a wealth of knowledge from the women of the Bible. Our meetings will be our place for women to heal, be transparent, get deliverance, and become safety, while restoring for past and present pain, hurt, abuse, bitterness, unforgiveness; receive godly answers and counseling to today questions with understanding and compassion. Welcome to a Walking God’s way because we joining together as Women of God Making a Difference as you are now being perfected, equipped and edified for this journey of walking and working it out. Remember, Jude 22 states “And of some have compassion, making a difference” (KJV)